Our Fourth Quarter Edition of the GRN West Palm Beach Newsletter offers the latest trends in the medical device, diagnostic, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries. As we end the Fourth Quarter, keep in mind the "Manufacturing Expands for Sixth Consecutive Month" and "FierceMedicalDevices' 2013 Fierce 15" articles, and take a look at the other useful articles and tools in this edition. Also make sure you check out our 7 Hot New JOBS.


Manufacturing Expands for Sixth Consecutive Month


Manufacturing continued to expand in November, reaching its highest level of the year, according to the Institute for Supply Management's monthly manufacturing index. The PMI grew to 57.3% in November from 56.4% in October, ISM reported. Click here for the full article.

FierceMedicalDevices' 2013 Fierce 15

This year's winners include a company that concocted a blood test to help spot autism earlier in children. Another developed a new device to fight obesity in a novel way, and a third came up with a novel ultrasound device to treat uterine fibroids. A fourth--a molecular diagnostics company with an extremely sensitive and precise thyroid cancer test--filed IPO plans a few weeks before this special report came out. Click here for the full article.

Device and Diagnostic Startups: Six to Watch

Why do some device and diagnostic companies nail down venture funding an advance their product development when others fail? While some may want to credit alchemy, there are more tangible things involved. Click here for the full article.


#1545  Corporate Account Director – Virtual

#1471  Diagnostics Marketing Director, Virology - CA

#1535  Regional Sales Director Asia Pacific/International - CA

#1561  Marketing Director Medical Healthcare Products — Latin America

#1536  Regional Sales Director International/Europe – UK

#1544  Hospital Regional Manager, Business Development - NJ/PA

#1555  Immunohematology Specialist (Account Sales Executive) - Over 10 US Locations

For a full listing of all our posted jobs, click here.


Goal Setting.

The Awesome Power of Goal Setting: 10 Tips for Triumph

The new year is a beginning, so new goals and resolutions, new plans, new dreams and new directions fuel your thoughts. Whether it's your fiscal year, your budget year, your religious year or the calendar new year, goals and resolutions are on your mind. These tips will help you achieve your goals and live your resolutions.
Click here for the full article.

You Can Make Their Day: 10 Tips for the Leader About Employee Motivation

You can make their day or break their day. Your choice. No kidding. Other than the decisions individuals make on their own about liking their work, you are the most powerful factor in building employee motivation and positive morale. As a manager or supervisor, your impact on employee motivation is immeasurable. By your words, your body language, and the expression on your face, you telegraph your opinion of their value to the people you employ. Click here for the full article.


The Bottom Line for Employee Retention

Want the bottom line when it comes to employee retention? The quality of the supervision an employee receives is critical to employee retention. People leave managers and supervisors more often than they leave companies or jobs. It is not enough that the manager is well-liked or a nice person. Click here for the full article.

Thank You.

Top 10 Easy, No or Low Cost Ways
to Tell Employees "Thank You"

Telling an employee "thank you" is one of the most simple and powerful ways
to build trust, yet it doesn't happen near enough in the workplace.
Click here for the full article.


Always on hand at the GRN of West Palm Beach website is a compiled list of Job Search Articles and Relocation Resources to make your career transition go as smoothly as possible.


Please contact us with any questions or comments about the GRN West Palm Beach Newsletter. In addition, please feel free to let us know what youd like to see in future editions of the newsletter. You may e-mail us here.

Global Recruiters of West Palm Beach is a highly specialized executive search firm serving clients in the medical devices, biotech, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and financial services industries. Global Recruiters of West Palm Beach is in the business of finding talented people for the most forward-thinking companies in the country. We have the flexibility and depth to offer contingency or retained services for your recruitment needs. We have a proven methodology and passion for delivering the right talented person for your team. If you are looking to hire or confidentially recruit top level executives, we are here to help. Click here for more info.

Angel Romero
Global Recruiters of West Palm Beach
561-422-5150 Ext 102
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